Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sandpaper Heels, Alligator Legs and Desert Dry Lips

Ah, winter. We pile on layer upon layer to stay warm protecting our bodies from the frigid temps and biting winds. The colder temps and low humidity have a big affect on our skin. But the alternative to being bundled up like Randy in "A Christmas Story" is getting frostbite.

With such a crazy schedule during the holidays, my beauty routine got a little neglected. I didn't really notice how dry my skin was until I went to put a pair of regular nylons on last week and almost ripped them with the sandpaper on my heels. My poor little dogs are in need of some TLC. And for that matter, my legs, arms and lips are pretty parched. Scaly like a darn alligator. You want to cuddle with me right now don't you?

So if your bod is also sending out an SOS for some serious lovin', here are some of my tips for getting back that soft, supple skin. I'll give you a store-bought product and then something you may just have in your cabinets.

Footsie Worthy Feet
You're cuddled up in bed on a cold winter night and you slide your foot over for a friendly little game of footsie. Sounds nice, unless your feet feel like 80 grit sandpaper. Sanding off your partner's skin with your nasty feet is not romantic.
In Your Cabinet:
Honestly, the easiest thing in the world to do is not fancy. I use Vasoline or Crisco. I know that sounds funny but it's an old school remedy. ("Thanks Grandma!") Before you go to bed at night, slather your feet and put on white cotton socks. It feels kind of funny but totally works. It may take a few nights in a row, depending.

At the Store:
My favorite is the Burt's Bees Foot Cream with Vitamin E and Coconut. It has a really rich texture and just like the Vasoline or Crisco, slather it on before bed and throw on a pair of socks.

The next day, after you take your socks off, wipe your feet if there's any excess. It's not a bad idea to take a pumice to your feet before you shower to slough off any rough skin.

Scaly Legs
We tend to indulge in super long, hot showers in the winter which feel amazing but leave your skin begging for hydration. Try not to have the water scorching hot. The best thing to do is to apply lotion as soon a you get out of the shower while your skin is still wet.
In Your Cabinet:
I refer you back to the homemade body scrub blog. Start with that. 

Then for a partially homemade lotion try this -
16 ounces baby lotion
8 ounces solid coconut oil
8 ounces Vitamin E cream

Fire up the mixer and blend it together until it looks like frosting. You can keep it in airtight container.

At the Store:
If you want to go with something that is fragrance free and just a basic lotion, I like Eucerin Dry Skin Therapy Plus Intensive Repair Lotion, 16.9 fl oz. It's under $10 and you can get it at any drugstore or grocery store. 

Irrestible, Kissable Pucker
For my day job I talk..a lot. And I am a chronic lip licker. Which means in the winter, my lips get chapped so easily. I tend to be a bit of a lip balm junkie. You have to be careful too because flavored lip balms and ones with menthol, although they feel or taste good, can actually make the problem worse.

In Your Cabinet:
Olive oil. Yup. Olive oil. First off, if you want to slough your pucker, mix a little olive oil with sugar and put it on a warm, wet washcloth and buff them. Olive oil is amazing for so many things! (Note to self...future blog - beauty benefits of olive oil.) I just put a dab of it on my finger and slick it across my lips. Works like a charm!

At the Store:
I love Aquaphor. It's under $3. It works immediately. Soothes dryness, chapped and cracked lips. Anyone who has had a baby has probably used Aquaphor. It's the best!


It's easy to let yourself go in the winter, especially when you are so bundled up and most of your skin is not exposed. Don't forget that what you put into your body is just as important as what you put on it. Plus, you'll feel better if you take care of yourself now. When spring rolls around you'll be one step ahead of the game for throwing on sandals and maybe a little sunless tanner.

Stay warm!


  1. i love the background screen you have today!! it makes me feel warm, when outside it's cold and frosty. you rock girl !! <3 ~ Elonda

    1. Aw...thanks! Have a great day! ~ Bethany

  2. i love the background screen you have today!! it makes me feel warm, when outside it's cold and frosty. you rock girl !! <3 ~ Elonda

  3. This info is great! I do a lot of walking in really cold temps when commuting to work. I'm finding that the lower part of my calves are chapped to the point that they are cracking (and even bleeding a little). I finally found a lotion that doesn't burn when I put it on (Keri original formula). Other than lotion right after my showers, do you have any other recommendations? Any info will be appreciated as it HURTS!

  4. For your legs, I would say Aquaphor or even just good old fashioned Eucerin cream. Aquaphor is really a great product. The hospital actually sends it home with newborns for their little cracks on their wrists etc...It's gentle but works wonders.
