Sunday, December 30, 2012

Making a Resolution About Resolutions

It's that time of year again. The time of year when we all swear off bad habits, make new goals and leap into a new year with lots of hopes, dreams, vows and probably a couple of extra holiday pounds.

Almost everyone says "My New Year's resolution is to diet and exercise". That's why you'll notice that the gyms are packed in January, a little less in February and even less in March. New habits are hard to sustain. The rule of thumb for ditching or keeping up a new habit is 3 weeks. If you can make it 3 weeks you're golden.

I used to always make resolutions about diet, exercise, finances etc...This would be the year! I knew it! And every year I would make a great start and then it would slowly fizzle out. I think that's a pretty common trend. It's what keeps places like Jenny Craig, Planet Fitness and credit card companies in business.

This past year I changed my mindset about New Year's resolutions. I made all of my resolutions about things I knew I could do. I am doing the same this year. It feels so much better to have that feeling of accomplishment than disappointment.

So for the next 365 days I am going to.... 
Live life to the fullest everyday. I am going to laugh, have fun, try new things, make memories, go new places, do things that scare me to death, not take a second for granted and spend time with the people I love the most and soak up the good things in life.

I think I can handle that list.

You shouldn't vow to change your life on January 1st just because it's a new year. Everyday you wake up with the opportunity to make life what you want it to be. It's your choice where you go in this big beautiful world!

This year with my blog I am going to do everything I can to help you feel great about yourself from the inside out. That's a gift we all deserve and it's something we should resolve to do each and everyday.

Happiness = Beautiful

Have a safe and Happy New Year!

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