I'm having an ugly day. Correction. I am having my second ugly day in a row. I feel ugly, blah and frankly, my attitude for me, kind of sucks. You know these types of days. We all have them. I feel frumpy, I'm tired and stressed out. It happens to all of us from time to time.
Plus, seeing all of the devastation on the news and internet from the hurricane and storm damage yesterday is not mood lifting. I am feeling very grateful that 3 hours without power is all I endured after looking at photos. It's hard to see such horrible things happen to innocent people and beautiful places. It definitely can take the skip out of your step.
Feeling so blah is not in my comfort zone. I don't enjoy it at all. I'm more of a sparkles and unicorns kind of girl.
Since I'm not a fan of these days, I tend to seek out things that make me feel better. If you come across one of these days anytime soon, might I offer some suggestions to lift your spirits. My "Top 10 Mood Lifters", if you will.
1. Watch your favorite funny movie
A good laugh is seriously the best medicine. I used to get anxiety attacks years ago and it's how I snapped myself out of them. I keep my 5 favorite movies on my dvr so that they are ready to go at any time. My top pick is "Just Friends" with Ryan Reynolds, Amy Smart & Anna Farris. I've seen it a million times and I laugh just as hard each time. Quoting it even makes me laugh.
2. Cruise control
I love a good ride in the car, windows down and the music up. Living in such a beautiful area, it's easy to find a nice place to drive to. Think about it, nothing really looks happier than a dog with its head out the window, tongue blowing in the breeze. Do me a favor though, keep your head inside the car.
3. Kitchen dance party for 1
I have a lot of music on my computer. Occupational habit I guess. Nothing like putting on a great playlist of songs you can dance to and then bopping all around the kitchen. Dance like no one is watching! I do this a lot. Plus it's good exercise. Which leads me to..
4. Work it out
Break a sweat, push yourself, have some fun and burn some calories. You'll feel good because you did something healthy plus you'll release endorphins and reduce your stress.
5. Indulge
I'm not saying eat the entire bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups but a little bit of chocolate isn't a bad idea. There are some health benefits to chocolate, plus it causes a serotonin surge in the brain, which gives you a nice little natural high.
6. Retail therapy
We're women. I don't need to explain this. Go buy something pretty.
7. Get a pedicure
Pretty feet. Happy girl. It's relaxing, there are tons of nerves in your feet and it's time when someone is taking care of you.
8. Be creative
Make something. Maybe you're an artist, crafter, chef or baker. Do something you're good at. Accomplishing a task that you enjoy and take pride in will make you feel good about yourself.
9. Scream
seriously. Into a pillow, on top of a mountain, in your car in the
middle of nowhere or in your living room, if you want. Sometimes it just
feels good to let out a big ol' primal scream.
10. Think positive
It's easy to let the crappy stuff bring you down. It likes to attack you like the neighbor's dog covered in mud. Instead of having a pity party or a moment of "oh woe is me"...think about all of the great things you have going on. The good has to outweigh the bad.
If none of these things work, go to bed and try again tomorrow. Or have a glass of wine. That does wonders to. Haha! Whatever it is, hopefully it passes and you're back to your normal happy self soon enough. My mood has almost shifted. I can see the glittery unicorn off in the distance.
"Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference." ~ Aristotle ........... Come into my lab my pretties! Tips, tricks, and advice on getting gorgeous...all on a budget! My obsession with all things health and beauty means I have LOTS to share!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
I Was So Not a Pioneer Woman in a Past Life
I was without power for 3 hours today. I won't lie. I was out of my mind. I can guarantee in a past life I was NEVER a pioneer woman. I never would have survived. I like luxuries like lights, the internet and my blow dryer. Having to think about getting ready for work tomorrow without power made me panic. It also made me think about how I would get ready if I needed to without all of my creature comforts.
So, if I had to get ready on the fly without power this is what I would do. If it's dark, you might want some candlelight or a 100,000 candle power flashlight. Too much? Candlelight makes you look sexy anyway, right?
Or even if I had to go straight from the gym to a function and wanted to freshen up with just what I had in my gym bag, this is what I would do.
Fake a shower:
Keep baby wipes on hand. Start from your face down and use new ones for your lady parts of course. A tad bit sweaty from your awesome butt kicking workout and need to really freshen up your underarms? Anti-bacterial gel works great! It kills the bacteria. Instant freshness.
Fake fresh hair:
Dry shampoo. It usually comes in an aerosol can. You spray it at the roots, tousle your hair and it soaks up oil or sweat. It gives your hair a lot of volume. Honestly, dry shampoo should be part of your normal hair care routine. It's a great alternative to washing everyday. If your hair is lighter, the same thing can be accomplished with baby powder. Start small, you don't want to look like you're wearing a powdered wig a la George Washington. That's not a hot look.
If the dry shampoo isn't an option. Try this. If you have a little time (or overnight), spray your hair with a little gel or mousse, make a bunch of braids and sleep on it or leave it in for a few hours. When you take it out, tousle it. Instant beach waves.
Need more help? Try a cute hairstyle or maybe tie a scarf in your hair like a headband. Here are a few cute styles. Lots more on www.Pinterest.com
Skin care:
Makeup remover wipes are awesome for cleaning your face and wiping your hands down after putting on makeup. Put on some moisturizer with a spf of at least 15 and then take time for a quick face once-over.
Speedy makeup:
You need.....foundation, multi tasking color stick (e.l.f All Over Color Stick), mascara and gloss. The e.l.f. product can be used as blush, eyeshadow and lipstick.
Freshen up your outfit:
If you happen to have a woodstove or fireplace, spray your clothes with water or Febreze. Downy makes a product as well, then hang by the heat while you get ready. It will help to steam out the wrinkles. If you are at the gym, hang your outfit by the showers. The steam will help.
Fingers crossed this isn't my life tomorrow or yours. Sometimes there's no choice though. Here's hoping your no-power, desperate times call for desperate measures, getting ready routine is very short lived. With Sandy knocking at our door today, I am taking a precautionary step and braiding my hair tonight.
Stay safe!
So, if I had to get ready on the fly without power this is what I would do. If it's dark, you might want some candlelight or a 100,000 candle power flashlight. Too much? Candlelight makes you look sexy anyway, right?
Or even if I had to go straight from the gym to a function and wanted to freshen up with just what I had in my gym bag, this is what I would do.
Fake a shower:
Keep baby wipes on hand. Start from your face down and use new ones for your lady parts of course. A tad bit sweaty from your awesome butt kicking workout and need to really freshen up your underarms? Anti-bacterial gel works great! It kills the bacteria. Instant freshness.
Fake fresh hair:
Dry shampoo. It usually comes in an aerosol can. You spray it at the roots, tousle your hair and it soaks up oil or sweat. It gives your hair a lot of volume. Honestly, dry shampoo should be part of your normal hair care routine. It's a great alternative to washing everyday. If your hair is lighter, the same thing can be accomplished with baby powder. Start small, you don't want to look like you're wearing a powdered wig a la George Washington. That's not a hot look.
If the dry shampoo isn't an option. Try this. If you have a little time (or overnight), spray your hair with a little gel or mousse, make a bunch of braids and sleep on it or leave it in for a few hours. When you take it out, tousle it. Instant beach waves.
Need more help? Try a cute hairstyle or maybe tie a scarf in your hair like a headband. Here are a few cute styles. Lots more on www.Pinterest.com
Skin care:
Makeup remover wipes are awesome for cleaning your face and wiping your hands down after putting on makeup. Put on some moisturizer with a spf of at least 15 and then take time for a quick face once-over.
Speedy makeup:
You need.....foundation, multi tasking color stick (e.l.f All Over Color Stick), mascara and gloss. The e.l.f. product can be used as blush, eyeshadow and lipstick.
Freshen up your outfit:
If you happen to have a woodstove or fireplace, spray your clothes with water or Febreze. Downy makes a product as well, then hang by the heat while you get ready. It will help to steam out the wrinkles. If you are at the gym, hang your outfit by the showers. The steam will help.
Fingers crossed this isn't my life tomorrow or yours. Sometimes there's no choice though. Here's hoping your no-power, desperate times call for desperate measures, getting ready routine is very short lived. With Sandy knocking at our door today, I am taking a precautionary step and braiding my hair tonight.
Stay safe!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Baby Did a Bad, Bad Thing...
Think your bad habits are your little secret? Well, not necessarily. Many things we do on a regular basis can completely affect the way we look.
Here are some of the biggest bad beauty offenders out there that you may be taking for granted.
1. Not drinking enough water
A good majority of your body is made up of water. Your body needs water for a lot of reasons that can affect your health. Water cleanses your skin from the inside out helping to rid it of oils, to keep it supple and to avoid dehydration. Your complexion will thank you for 8-10 glasses a day.
2. Not enough sleep
This is my biggest offense. I get up at 3:30am every day. I am lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep at night. Nothing makes you look better than a good nights' sleep. Beauty sleep, if you will. It's good for your health, appearance, your eyes, etc. You should, if you can, aim for 8-10 hours. If I want that, it means going to be at 6-7pm. I wish I could.
3. Sleeping with your makeup on
You take time to get ready, put on your makeup and look your best. You can erase all of that work by not removing your makeup before you go to sleep. Leaving it on overnight can cause acne, changes in your pigmentation and more. If you know you are too tired at night for a whole skin care routine, keep makeup remover wipes on hand. They are better than nothing.
4. Not eating enough food
It kills me when women think that starving themselves is the best way to lose weight. You know what starving yourself does? It denies your body the necessary vitamins and nutrients it needs to survive and wrecks your metabolism. You want to be healthy and stay slim? Eat a healthy diet and eat on a regular schedule. Don't believe me? Fine. When you have starved yourself to your goal weight, you'll be trying to figure out how to solve your new issues...your greying hair, sagging skin, premature wrinkles and that bald patch you now have from denying yourself a decent healthy meal. I'll try not to say "I told you so". Please girls...it's all about moderation and balance.
5. Stress
Acne, wrinkles, grey hair, illness, sleepless nights, weight gain, weight loss, etc. None of these things are healthy. Stress is not healthy. Everyday when you wake up you have a choice of how your life is going to be lived. Choose a happy life. It's your gift to yourself every single day.
6. Ignoring health issues
A rash, bad skin, damaged hair... You put it off it doesn't get better, it gets worse. Nip it in the bud so it doesn't take more time and money to fix.
7. Smoking
I am not one to lecture so I'll keep it short. Premature aging, cancer in your lungs, mouth etc.., it stinks...need I say more?
8. Sun exposure
I love a day in the sunshine as much as the next girl but for crying out loud SLAP ON SOME SPF ladies! The sun, even though it feels nice, is not kind to your skin. Like smoking, you can thank the sunshine for premature aging, skin spots, burns, cancer and the list goes on. Everyday, even in the winter your beauty routine should start with some type of spf, at least 15. I can tell you how to cover up a blemish but if you have to have a chunk removed from your face because "I tan well. I don't need sunblock." There is nothing I can suggest to hide that other than a mask.
9. Junk food
I love a bag of chips, the occassional cookie or a date with Ben & Jerry's but it is not part of my every day diet. Junk food should be a treat. Not only does it affect your weight and your health, it can affect the appearance of hair and skin. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidents is crucial for all-over health.
10. Alcohol
I drink. Not everyday, but I do enjoy a glass of wine and a shot of tequila. For the most part I save alcohol for the weekends. The occassional drink or night out is totally expected. Several drinks every night should not be the norm. It can cause skin issues like acne, wrinkles and takes away your natural glow and can make your skin sag. Plus, it's not going to do your liver any favors.
I will say that I don't get enough sleep and I am not good about a big skin care routine at night. I can fix the skin care issue, the sleep is tougher for me. Take care of your body because you know it's true, it's the only one you have. If you do the regular maintenance and care that you should, the repairs will be less over time.
Stay beautiful inside and out!
Here are some of the biggest bad beauty offenders out there that you may be taking for granted.
1. Not drinking enough water
A good majority of your body is made up of water. Your body needs water for a lot of reasons that can affect your health. Water cleanses your skin from the inside out helping to rid it of oils, to keep it supple and to avoid dehydration. Your complexion will thank you for 8-10 glasses a day.
2. Not enough sleep
This is my biggest offense. I get up at 3:30am every day. I am lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep at night. Nothing makes you look better than a good nights' sleep. Beauty sleep, if you will. It's good for your health, appearance, your eyes, etc. You should, if you can, aim for 8-10 hours. If I want that, it means going to be at 6-7pm. I wish I could.
3. Sleeping with your makeup on
You take time to get ready, put on your makeup and look your best. You can erase all of that work by not removing your makeup before you go to sleep. Leaving it on overnight can cause acne, changes in your pigmentation and more. If you know you are too tired at night for a whole skin care routine, keep makeup remover wipes on hand. They are better than nothing.
4. Not eating enough food
It kills me when women think that starving themselves is the best way to lose weight. You know what starving yourself does? It denies your body the necessary vitamins and nutrients it needs to survive and wrecks your metabolism. You want to be healthy and stay slim? Eat a healthy diet and eat on a regular schedule. Don't believe me? Fine. When you have starved yourself to your goal weight, you'll be trying to figure out how to solve your new issues...your greying hair, sagging skin, premature wrinkles and that bald patch you now have from denying yourself a decent healthy meal. I'll try not to say "I told you so". Please girls...it's all about moderation and balance.
5. Stress
Acne, wrinkles, grey hair, illness, sleepless nights, weight gain, weight loss, etc. None of these things are healthy. Stress is not healthy. Everyday when you wake up you have a choice of how your life is going to be lived. Choose a happy life. It's your gift to yourself every single day.
6. Ignoring health issues
A rash, bad skin, damaged hair... You put it off it doesn't get better, it gets worse. Nip it in the bud so it doesn't take more time and money to fix.
7. Smoking
I am not one to lecture so I'll keep it short. Premature aging, cancer in your lungs, mouth etc.., it stinks...need I say more?
8. Sun exposure
I love a day in the sunshine as much as the next girl but for crying out loud SLAP ON SOME SPF ladies! The sun, even though it feels nice, is not kind to your skin. Like smoking, you can thank the sunshine for premature aging, skin spots, burns, cancer and the list goes on. Everyday, even in the winter your beauty routine should start with some type of spf, at least 15. I can tell you how to cover up a blemish but if you have to have a chunk removed from your face because "I tan well. I don't need sunblock." There is nothing I can suggest to hide that other than a mask.
9. Junk food
I love a bag of chips, the occassional cookie or a date with Ben & Jerry's but it is not part of my every day diet. Junk food should be a treat. Not only does it affect your weight and your health, it can affect the appearance of hair and skin. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidents is crucial for all-over health.
10. Alcohol
I drink. Not everyday, but I do enjoy a glass of wine and a shot of tequila. For the most part I save alcohol for the weekends. The occassional drink or night out is totally expected. Several drinks every night should not be the norm. It can cause skin issues like acne, wrinkles and takes away your natural glow and can make your skin sag. Plus, it's not going to do your liver any favors.
I will say that I don't get enough sleep and I am not good about a big skin care routine at night. I can fix the skin care issue, the sleep is tougher for me. Take care of your body because you know it's true, it's the only one you have. If you do the regular maintenance and care that you should, the repairs will be less over time.
Stay beautiful inside and out!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Don't Leave Home Without...
So you look fabulous. You're headed out but you don't want to take your entire makeup bag in your purse. What are the essential items to keep in your purse that will keep you beautiful all night long?
Here is what I never leave home without...
1. Pressed Powder Compact: It's a multi tasker. Powder to keep shine at bay and make your makeup stay in place. Plus, it has a mirror so you can check to make sure everything is as it should be.
2. Eyelash Curler: Nothing can make you look bright eyed and bushy tailed quicker than a couple of pumps of an eyelash curler. It opens your eyes right up. Then...
3. Mascara: A couple of quick coats freshens you right up.
4. Concealer: Use it to cover a blemish or hide the circles under your eyes for a more awake look.
5. Lipstick/Gloss: You're eating, drinking, maybe even smooching. I recommend a stay on type lipstick with a gloss you put on a few times throughout the evening.
6. Oil Blotting Papers: Instantly takes away any oil on your face without removing your makeup.
Stay beautiful all night!
Here is what I never leave home without...
1. Pressed Powder Compact: It's a multi tasker. Powder to keep shine at bay and make your makeup stay in place. Plus, it has a mirror so you can check to make sure everything is as it should be.
2. Eyelash Curler: Nothing can make you look bright eyed and bushy tailed quicker than a couple of pumps of an eyelash curler. It opens your eyes right up. Then...
3. Mascara: A couple of quick coats freshens you right up.
4. Concealer: Use it to cover a blemish or hide the circles under your eyes for a more awake look.
5. Lipstick/Gloss: You're eating, drinking, maybe even smooching. I recommend a stay on type lipstick with a gloss you put on a few times throughout the evening.
6. Oil Blotting Papers: Instantly takes away any oil on your face without removing your makeup.
Stay beautiful all night!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Muffin Tops, Sagging Girls, Suede Fanny Packs & a Jiggly Badonkadonk...Be Gone!!
Celebrities do it. Real women do it. Anyone who's had a baby probably does it more. Heck, even Oprah does it. Curious?
I like to call shapewear "smoke and mirrors". Giving the illusion of a nicer body than you have. Especially when you are trying to look your best on a Wednesday or maybe at a special event.
The common offenders of killing your self confidence are muffin tops, sagging girls, suede "fanny packs" (that lovely excess skin usually from having a baby), and a jiggly badonkadonk to name a few. All these things that can make you feel less than fabulous when you are trying to look your best.
Gone are the days of squishing yourself into a girdle like grandma or strapping into something that looks like a medieval torture device. I am a big fan of anything I can wear underneath, that will make my outside look it's best. I have drawers filled with these magical items.
My rule for being sucked in, smoothed out and pushed up is that I still want to look more sexy than granny. I am a big believer in your undergarments being beautiful and functional. Believe it or not, you'll feel better about yourself wearing a pair of pretty panties and matching bra than granny panties and a bra you've had for 10 years. And just because they are pretty doesn't mean they can't be comfortable.
So here are some of my favorite options and what they help to enhance or in some cases hide.
Issue #1: Great dress to wear but you need to push up the girls and slim down the rest of you.
Solution: Control slip, all in one smoothing, shaping and lifting.
My favorite:
Issue #2: You've been cutting out carbs but still have a muffin top.
Solution: Spanx. This particular style smooths your stomach and offers a no vpl thong back.
My favorite:
Issue #3: You are wearing a low back dress but the girls need to stay up high.
Solution: Backless long bra. Pushes up the girls, smooths your shape and accommodates many dress styles. A staple in your lingerie collection. The bonus...you won't be yanking it up all night like a strapless bra.
My favorite:
Issue #4: You need to slim your thighs and smooth your tush.
Solution: Long Panty. Smoothes your tummy thighs and bum while still looking pretty.
My favorite:
These are just a couple of examples. You can get so many different styles and options. If you are lacking a bum, you can even get padded panties. You can also go to a store like TJ Maxx. They always have a great selection of shapewear and the prices are always really affordable. Make sure the fit is good. There's a difference between control and suffocation. The last thing you need to do is pass out mid party because your shapewear is too tight.
Some great sites for shapewear:
Don't think shapewear makes that big of a difference? The next time you go shopping, grab a dress and grab a control slip and try it on together. Trust me...you'll be sold.
I like to call shapewear "smoke and mirrors". Giving the illusion of a nicer body than you have. Especially when you are trying to look your best on a Wednesday or maybe at a special event.
The common offenders of killing your self confidence are muffin tops, sagging girls, suede "fanny packs" (that lovely excess skin usually from having a baby), and a jiggly badonkadonk to name a few. All these things that can make you feel less than fabulous when you are trying to look your best.
Gone are the days of squishing yourself into a girdle like grandma or strapping into something that looks like a medieval torture device. I am a big fan of anything I can wear underneath, that will make my outside look it's best. I have drawers filled with these magical items.
My rule for being sucked in, smoothed out and pushed up is that I still want to look more sexy than granny. I am a big believer in your undergarments being beautiful and functional. Believe it or not, you'll feel better about yourself wearing a pair of pretty panties and matching bra than granny panties and a bra you've had for 10 years. And just because they are pretty doesn't mean they can't be comfortable.
So here are some of my favorite options and what they help to enhance or in some cases hide.
Issue #1: Great dress to wear but you need to push up the girls and slim down the rest of you.
Solution: Control slip, all in one smoothing, shaping and lifting.
My favorite:
Skinny Girl Flirty Lace Cupped Control Slip available at JCP $48 |
Issue #2: You've been cutting out carbs but still have a muffin top.
Solution: Spanx. This particular style smooths your stomach and offers a no vpl thong back.
My favorite:
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ASSETS Red Hot Label by Spanx Luxe & Lean High Waist Thong available at JCP $42 |
Issue #3: You are wearing a low back dress but the girls need to stay up high.
Solution: Backless long bra. Pushes up the girls, smooths your shape and accommodates many dress styles. A staple in your lingerie collection. The bonus...you won't be yanking it up all night like a strapless bra.
My favorite:
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Strapless Convertible Corset Long Bra Available at www.ecrater.com $28.98 |
Issue #4: You need to slim your thighs and smooth your tush.
Solution: Long Panty. Smoothes your tummy thighs and bum while still looking pretty.
My favorite:
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Triumph Lace Sensation Long Panty available at Figleaves.com $67.50 |
These are just a couple of examples. You can get so many different styles and options. If you are lacking a bum, you can even get padded panties. You can also go to a store like TJ Maxx. They always have a great selection of shapewear and the prices are always really affordable. Make sure the fit is good. There's a difference between control and suffocation. The last thing you need to do is pass out mid party because your shapewear is too tight.
Some great sites for shapewear:
Don't think shapewear makes that big of a difference? The next time you go shopping, grab a dress and grab a control slip and try it on together. Trust me...you'll be sold.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Get Your Shape. Get Set. Go Shopping!
Apple, banana, pear or hourglass. Did you figure out what shape you are?
Ok, so now what? Well now it's time for some basic rules for each shape. I have included a couple of pictures for each as well. These are just guidelines. If you need ideas, Pinterest has tons of great outfit combos for inspiration.
The most important thing to remember is to try on different styles when you shop. Make sure the fit is good. That really matters. Ignore the size tag, you can cut it out and remember, you can always have something tailored to fit perfectly. That is an instant way to make your clothes look more custom. Also, wear a bra that fits really well. Hoist the girls up because it will make every shape look better and you'll also look slimmer.
So here we go...
Define your waist and make your upper body appear longer.
What to wear:
* Pants or skirts that have a little flare to balance out the bottom part of your body.
* Wear a longer top to make your torso appear longer.
* Wearing heels will help to make your body seem longer.
* Wearing a belted jacket or dress will make your waist look smaller.
* Wear darker colors on top and lighter on the bottom
What not to wear:
* Pleated pants
* Lots of pattern on top
* Tapered pant legs
* Ruffled or puffy sleeves
You need to give your figure some curves.
What to wear:
* Belted jackets.
* A good padded bra
* A line skirts or dresses
* A belted dress with full skirt
* Tops with ruffles or a lot of detail
* Accessorize
* Really loose clothes will just look like your wearing your older brother's clothes.
You need to take attention away from your bottom and draw your eye up.
What to wear:
* A line skirts
* Straight leg pants
* Dark colors on the bottom, light colors on top
* Tops with a lot of detail or ruffles
* Empire waist dresses or shirts
What not to wear:
* Say "no" to pencil skirts
* Tucked in tops
* Taped leg pants
* A jacket or shirt that lands square across the widest part of your tush.
Accentuate your lovely proportions while making your body appear longer.
What to wear:
* Pants with a slight flare
* V-neck tops.
* Wrap dresses
* Cropped or short fitted jackets
What not to wear:
* Baggy tops
* Loose, baggy pants
* Empire waist anything
* Shapeless clothing
* Really wide belts
I hope this helps to get you started on your next shopping trip. Remember if you ever have questions, please feel free to email me or visit my Facebook page and send me a message there.
Have a beautiful night!
Ok, so now what? Well now it's time for some basic rules for each shape. I have included a couple of pictures for each as well. These are just guidelines. If you need ideas, Pinterest has tons of great outfit combos for inspiration.
The most important thing to remember is to try on different styles when you shop. Make sure the fit is good. That really matters. Ignore the size tag, you can cut it out and remember, you can always have something tailored to fit perfectly. That is an instant way to make your clothes look more custom. Also, wear a bra that fits really well. Hoist the girls up because it will make every shape look better and you'll also look slimmer.
So here we go...
Define your waist and make your upper body appear longer.
What to wear:
* Pants or skirts that have a little flare to balance out the bottom part of your body.
* Wear a longer top to make your torso appear longer.
* Wearing heels will help to make your body seem longer.
* Wearing a belted jacket or dress will make your waist look smaller.
* Wear darker colors on top and lighter on the bottom
What not to wear:
* Pleated pants
* Lots of pattern on top
* Tapered pant legs
* Ruffled or puffy sleeves
You need to give your figure some curves.
What to wear:
* Belted jackets.
* A good padded bra
* A line skirts or dresses
* A belted dress with full skirt
* Tops with ruffles or a lot of detail
* Accessorize
What not to wear:
* Pants or skirts that have a high waist
* Vertical pattern
* Tight clothes
* Short jackets* Really loose clothes will just look like your wearing your older brother's clothes.
You need to take attention away from your bottom and draw your eye up.
What to wear:
* A line skirts
* Straight leg pants
* Dark colors on the bottom, light colors on top
* Tops with a lot of detail or ruffles
* Empire waist dresses or shirts
What not to wear:
* Say "no" to pencil skirts
* Tucked in tops
* Taped leg pants
* A jacket or shirt that lands square across the widest part of your tush.
Accentuate your lovely proportions while making your body appear longer.
What to wear:
* Pants with a slight flare
* V-neck tops.
* Wrap dresses
* Cropped or short fitted jackets
What not to wear:
* Baggy tops
* Loose, baggy pants
* Empire waist anything
* Shapeless clothing
* Really wide belts
I hope this helps to get you started on your next shopping trip. Remember if you ever have questions, please feel free to email me or visit my Facebook page and send me a message there.
Have a beautiful night!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Apple, Banana, Pear & Hourglass...We're Going Shopping But Not for Groceries!
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Banana Apple Pear Hourglass...What's Your Shape? |
I am a well trained shopper. My mom has always been very fashionable and she is a pro at getting a great deal. From the time I was born, she always made sure I was dressed perfectly. Granted, over time as I went from child to tween to teen, we didn't always agree and fashion forward mom made some interesting choices for me. (Photographic proof has been burned to protect the innocent.) As a teenager I would like to think I had a great eye for fashion. I always got compliments on my clothes and would help my friends with theirs. I think it's safe to say that most days now, I am pretty pulled together.
Part of being fashionable, having confidence and feeling good about yourself is being realistic with what you have to work with. Do I have a perfect body? Hell no. But, I know my body, what my assets are and where I don't want your eye to focus. You also have to be willing to try out different styles. How many of you have a closet that is a sea of grey, black and brown? Or you have the same cardigan in 8 colors.
With the change of seasons, brought the need for a little shopping with my sweet friend Kylah. We headed to TJ Maxx to seek out some fabulous deals. Kylah is a great shopping partner for me because we basically have the same taste and wear the same size. That means we get to take a lot more stuff into the dressing room. The interesting thing with Kylah and I, is that even though we wear the same size, we have very different figures. So what might look great on her, could very well be horrible on me.
In the midst of throwing clothes over the dressing room doors, it got me thinking about how many women don't know how to dress for their shape. It also made me think about how even though something is fashionable, doesn't mean it's meant for everyBODY. That's what you have to figure out. Think you can't wear leggings? You probably can, you just need to pair it with the style top that works best for you. Knowing that, is half the battle. I promise you if you figure out your body type and then choose fits that flatter that shape, shopping will be a much better experience. Also, break out of the mold when it comes to color. Very few people actually look good in black or grey. There are easy ways to ease into adding color to your wardrobe.
So for today...let's figure out your body shape. Tomorrow, I will break down what styles work on each body type.
* Your body is like an upside down triangle. (Think wide shoulders, narrow hips.)
* Usually your bust measurement is larger than your hips.
* Your bust is probably big for your frame. "Top heavy" (i.e.You wear XL top and S bottoms)
* You carry your weight or gain it around your midsection.
* Usually your lower half of your body is slender.
Think: Catherine Zeta Jones, Jessica Simpson
* Rectangular body shape (Your waist is 9" smaller than your hip or bust)
* Your upper body and lower body are proportionate to each other.
* Smaller bust.
* Nice legs, toned arms.
Think: Cameron Diaz or Nicole Kidman
* Triangle shape.
* Usually a slim stomach, shoulders and neck.
* You carry your weight in your hips, bottom and thighs.
* Your hip measurement is bigger than your bust.
Think: Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Love Hewitt
Hour Glass:
* Shaped, well, like an hourglass.
* Bust and hips are basically the same measurement
* You're curvy.
* Your waist is about 10" smaller than your bust and hips.
Think: Kim Kardashian
So figure out your body shape, and then come back tomorrow to see what styles flatter your shape the most. I am going to arm you with enough info to make your next shopping trip a success!!!
Have a beautiful day!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Well Color Me Impressed!
As women, we take so much pride in our hair. It's our lion's mane, our pride. It shows our personality and can make or break our day depending on how it turns out. For me, hair appointment day is like Christmas. Let's be honest, there's nothing like walking out of the salon with perfect hair to add a little swagger to your strut.
For years I colored my own hair. My mother was a hairdresser so she always guided me in what to do. I would highlight to be a blonde and then switch back and forth to brunette when I would get tired of the upkeep. I always secretly desired being a red head but it scared me. I didn't feel like I could pull it off. Bold red requires confidence to pull it off. It wasn't until the last year that I became daring enough to give it a go. Red is not an easy one to do on your own. I leave my gorgeous hair color, "Caught Red Handed", in the hands of my amazing hair stylist Kelly at Mia Capelli Salon.
I say, if you can afford to go to a salon, do it. That's your safest bet. If you decide you want to do it on your own, there are things you need to know.
What's your skin tone?
Warm: Dark, golden or olive skin tone. You always get a gorgeous tan and you probably have dark brown eyes. Cream probably looks better on you than white and your veins are more green than blue tinted. You also look better in gold jewelry than silver.
Cool: You probably have pale skin. Also, lighter colored eyes and you might burn before you tan. Silver jewelry compliments your skin better. White probably looks better on you than cream. And, your veins probably have a bluer tint to them. (Check your wrist)
How do you know what shade?
Don't trust the color on the box. Especially if your hair is already colored. Read the descriptions on the box instead. To be safe, 2 shades darker or 2 shades lighter to begin with. A good rule of thumb, go by what your hair was as a child. That's the most natural choice.
If you're a warm:
Golden tones will work best. Think caramel, bronzey browns etc.. If you decide to go blonde, be careful because you could be orange very easily. If you are adament about it, I'd say go to a professional so that your new nickname is not Sunkist.
If you're a cool:
Avoid golden tones. They will not flatter your skin tone. You want a color that is labeled as ash or cool.
What else you need to know...
Deep condition your hair prior to. Even if it's a couple of days before. Having your hair in great condition prior to will make the color better. Remember, that a new hair color may require you alter your makeup colors too. Personally, if I am going to color my own hair I do the whole shebang! I color it, style it and then put my makeup on. It just feels great to see the finished product.
If you decide to do it on your own, picking a color at the drug store is fine but I prefer going somewhere like Sally Beauty Supply where their staff is trained and they can answer questions to make sure you are going in the right direction.
After your coloring process is done, don't rewash your hair for a few days. Especially if you're a redhead. Red hair color comes out quicker than any other. You honestly, shouldn't wash your hair everyday anyway even if it's not colored.
Another important thing, which is something I leave to the professionals, is making sure your eyebrows compliment your hair color. I actually get mine colored at the same time my hair is getting done. You can always go to a salon to have it done or use an eyebrow kit that comes with the right powder shades to fill in your brows. Nothing looks more unnatural than a beautiful blonde with black eyebrows. It's like wearing a beautiful cocktail dress and throwing on sneakers.
If you're feeling brave, give a new color a try. You can always do temporary if you're nervous. If you're want something really daring...see a professional to make sure it gets done perfect!
Good luck!
Have a beautiful day!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Pretty As a Picture
So you're having photos taken. Whether they are for an engagement, wedding, family, headshots or you just want a smokin' hot profile picture, there are some tricks to doing your makeup correctly.
Everyday makeup and photo makeup are two different things.
Everyday makeup in a photo, can make you look washed out.
Photo makeup in person, can make you look like a pageant contestant.
But, photo makeup, when done properly, will look natural and beautiful in your finished photo.
Revlon PhotoReady Perfecting Primer
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Avg. $10.99 |
Make Up For Ever HD Invisible Cover Foundation
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Sephora $42.00 |
Make Up For Ever HD Microfinish Powder
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Sephora $32 |
e.l.f. Studio Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder
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Target or eyeslipsface.com $3.00 |
e.l.f. Essential All Over Color Stick
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Target or eyeslipsface.com $1 |
Eye Shadow:
Physician's Formula Matte Quad Eye Shadow - Canyon Classics
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CVS $6.99 |
e.l.f Studio Cream Eyeliner
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Target or eyeslipsface.com $3 |
Ardell Fashion Lashes Starter Kit
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CVS $6.99 |
Maybeline Superstay 24 Lipstick
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CVS $9.99 |
Good luck! Have a beautiful day!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
About Face! Time is Marching Right Across Your Face.
Every second of everyday, we are getting older. It's no secret.
There's no magic wand or fountain of youth but you can create a little magic of your own by taking great care of your skin. And don't forget - you are what you eat. Consuming a healthy diet rich in vitamins, anti-oxidants etc., combined with drinking a lot of water and taking good care of your health all effects your skin as well. Beauty IS from the inside out...literally. And, if I have said this once, I've said it a million times...
SPF! SPF! SPF! At the very least, SPF 15 everyday. Rain or shine. Nothing ages you faster than the sun.
Yesterday I talked about what to do on a daily basis. Today is all about special treatments for your skin. These are things you do maybe once a week, month or year, etc.
Microdermabrasion. If you're feeling like your skin has lost a little bit of its lustre and needs to be freshened up, I love microdermabrasion. It helps treat wrinkles and fine lines, acne scars, age spots, large pores, dry skin and a professional can even use it for stretchmarks and scars.There are very few possible side effects which makes this a great choice. You might see a little redness after but it fades.You can go and have a professional do it or if you want to try something on your own, there are great at-home kits.
Frequency: 3-6 months. I personally do it every few months to freshen up my skin.
Scrub -n-Sluff:
Exfoliate. I use an exfoliating scrub to sluff off dead skin and prevent buildup and eliminate blackheads. If you have a problem with acne, this is something you should really consider. There are a lot of options out there at many different price points. I've been using the same one forever and a day.
Frequency: 1-2 times a week
Masked Beauty:
Facial masks. They are great for a lot of reasons. You can use them to unclog pores, hydrate your skin or just for a little relaxation. The child in me loves a mask. It's like an experiment. It goes from lotion consistency to a firm mask and then you peel it off to see the results. Smooth one of these on, slap a couple of cucumber slices on your eyes, lay down and ignore everyone in your house for about 20 minutes or you know...wear it while you're packing school lunches in the morning.
Frequency: Once a month (or more if you want)
Those are just some basic things. I said yesterday that I use an eye cream (which I keep in the fridge...aaahhh). I actually use 2 different things. I need to help my eyes out as much as possible. I'm sleep deprived. Getting up for work at 3:30am everyday will do that. Of course different things pop up, literally. If I end up with a bout of acne, I use something for that too. I try not to go crazy, but if I don't at least try a little preventative maintenance, I have no one but myself to blame if my skin goes to hell in a hand-basket.
Here are a few of my other favorite products...
Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Puff Roller
Garnier Nutritioniste Ultra-lift Anti-Wrinkle Cream
Acne (spot treatment):
Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment
There are so many products out there. Try not to get overwhelmed when you go to the skincare aisle. Start small and add in products as you feel necessary. Another tip: DON'T forget your neck and your hands. I always take my moisturizer down my neck and rub the excess into my hands. Doesn't hurt to slap a little on your cleavage either. ;) All areas that show that time is ticking away.
When it comes to caring for your skin, all I know is the earlier the better because really there's no going back in time when it comes to preserving it or at least slowing down the process.
Have a beautiful day!
There's no magic wand or fountain of youth but you can create a little magic of your own by taking great care of your skin. And don't forget - you are what you eat. Consuming a healthy diet rich in vitamins, anti-oxidants etc., combined with drinking a lot of water and taking good care of your health all effects your skin as well. Beauty IS from the inside out...literally. And, if I have said this once, I've said it a million times...
SPF! SPF! SPF! At the very least, SPF 15 everyday. Rain or shine. Nothing ages you faster than the sun.
Yesterday I talked about what to do on a daily basis. Today is all about special treatments for your skin. These are things you do maybe once a week, month or year, etc.
Microdermabrasion. If you're feeling like your skin has lost a little bit of its lustre and needs to be freshened up, I love microdermabrasion. It helps treat wrinkles and fine lines, acne scars, age spots, large pores, dry skin and a professional can even use it for stretchmarks and scars.There are very few possible side effects which makes this a great choice. You might see a little redness after but it fades.You can go and have a professional do it or if you want to try something on your own, there are great at-home kits.
Frequency: 3-6 months. I personally do it every few months to freshen up my skin.
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Favorite - $22.99 |
Scrub -n-Sluff:
Exfoliate. I use an exfoliating scrub to sluff off dead skin and prevent buildup and eliminate blackheads. If you have a problem with acne, this is something you should really consider. There are a lot of options out there at many different price points. I've been using the same one forever and a day.
Frequency: 1-2 times a week
Favorite - Avg. $1.99 |
Masked Beauty:
Facial masks. They are great for a lot of reasons. You can use them to unclog pores, hydrate your skin or just for a little relaxation. The child in me loves a mask. It's like an experiment. It goes from lotion consistency to a firm mask and then you peel it off to see the results. Smooth one of these on, slap a couple of cucumber slices on your eyes, lay down and ignore everyone in your house for about 20 minutes or you know...wear it while you're packing school lunches in the morning.
Frequency: Once a month (or more if you want)
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Favorite $4.49 |
Those are just some basic things. I said yesterday that I use an eye cream (which I keep in the fridge...aaahhh). I actually use 2 different things. I need to help my eyes out as much as possible. I'm sleep deprived. Getting up for work at 3:30am everyday will do that. Of course different things pop up, literally. If I end up with a bout of acne, I use something for that too. I try not to go crazy, but if I don't at least try a little preventative maintenance, I have no one but myself to blame if my skin goes to hell in a hand-basket.
Here are a few of my other favorite products...
Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Puff Roller
Garnier Nutritioniste Ultra-lift Anti-Wrinkle Cream
Acne (spot treatment):
Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment
There are so many products out there. Try not to get overwhelmed when you go to the skincare aisle. Start small and add in products as you feel necessary. Another tip: DON'T forget your neck and your hands. I always take my moisturizer down my neck and rub the excess into my hands. Doesn't hurt to slap a little on your cleavage either. ;) All areas that show that time is ticking away.
When it comes to caring for your skin, all I know is the earlier the better because really there's no going back in time when it comes to preserving it or at least slowing down the process.
Have a beautiful day!
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